It's only nickels and dimes but with everyone pitching in - it adds up fast.
Members who participate in Operation Round Up contribute an average of only $6 per year. Your donation each month may be as little as a penny but could never be more than 99 cents. But a few cents from thousands of members adds up to a significant amount of assistance to help people in need.
How it works
If you choose to participate, your electric bill is "rounded up" to the next highest dollar amount. The extra cents go directly into a Charitable Trust Fund.
For example, if your actual electric bill is $82.70, you will pay $83. The extra 30 cents goes toward helping fellow co-op members in need.
The Charitable Trust's mission is to assist with basic needs (like food, shelter, clothing and health care) for Crawford Electric members in emergency situations. It also helps worthy charitable organizations, such as local food pantries. The Charitable Trust does not pay power bills.
The Charitable Trust awards requests for assistance through an application process. A volunteer board of directors made up of fellow Crawford Electric members and community leaders oversees the program. The board reviews all applications, and all funds donated to the Charitable Trust stay in the local community to benefit the members of Crawford Electric Cooperative.
If you, or someone you know, are in need of assistance please fill out our application for assistance.