Every month, CEO/General Manager Tony Mallory has a message for our members in Your Co-op Connection in Rural Missouri.
January 2025
A personal farewell: thank you for the privilege of serving you
The only employee directly selected and hired by the co-op’s board of directors is the CEO/general manager. In my view, that’s their most important responsibility.
Of course, the board has other crucial responsibilities, including doing what’s in the best interests of the cooperative, overseeing planning and financing, establishing policies and authorities, and maintaining corporate existence.
But the day-to-day success of the cooperative depends on a competent leader.
It’s been my privilege to serve in that leadership role for the past nine years. But there comes a time when personal circumstances change and opportunities arise. After almost 27 years at Crawford Electric, it’s time for me to make a change.
That’s the situation I find myself in as I write this in late November. I have decided to take on a new role with a co-op industry partner. My last day as CEO of Crawford Electric will be Friday, Jan. 10.
Your board of directors has embraced their crucial responsibility, and the group has a clear plan to move forward.
In the short term, they plan to select an interim CEO. By the time you read this in late December or early January, you likely will already know about this decision. Choosing an interim CEO allows the directors to take the time they need to thoughtfully consider what sort of leader is needed to take Crawford Electric into the future.
To help them with that longer-term, crucial hiring decision, the board has contracted with a professional executive search group that’s very familiar with the electric cooperative industry. It’s reasonable to assume that this process may take several months to reach a successful conclusion.
I want to assure you that your co-op is strong and resilient. We have talented and dedicated people on staff. They are focused on meeting your needs for safe, reliable and affordable electric service.
Your co-op has spent the last nine years investing in the system, enhancing our services and building relationships with you. That will continue.
However, the new year will bring some changes and challenges. As I write this just before Thanksgiving, the 2025 budget is still being finalized, and it’s clear we’re facing some pretty stiff headwinds as we try to hold the line on rate changes.
As always, I expect that decisions will be made in the best interests of our membership and our communities. I expect that you will all be kept informed. And I expect Crawford Electric’s employees to continue their outstanding service to you.
Thank you for the privilege of serving you.